Besides knowing how to exercise, you'll change your lifestyle habits (diet, sleep, etc) to support your fitness journey. You'll live a new life.
You'll see mirror results latest after 2 months with my coaching, wether they are fat loss or muscle building. You'll feel more energized and toned.
This program will change how you see and lead your life. It will push you to rethink you're priorities and live better next month and in the long term.
I live the fitness lifestyle since 12 years. I never stopped learning more and improving in this discipline. It has brought me an immense wellbeing. I believe it could do the same for you and I am here to help you to get on or improve this journey.
Influencers promote a lifestyle and related results that most people will never be able to reach. Most people have a busy life with other things to do than just going to the gym and posting. However, most people still do also want to feel fit, to be able to look in the mirror and feel good in their body. And anyone can reach that.
No matter who you are, how old you are, how busy your life is and how experienced (or not) your are with your body and fitness, I put you on the fitness lifestyle for the rest of your lifetime. I provide personalized coaching to transform your lifestyle and to exercise according to your own personal objectives, your needs and your life.
- 8 x 60 min in 1-1 @ 150 chf/session
- 1-2 gym program
- Lifestyle coaching (nutrition, sleep, stress management, schedule)
- 16 x 60 min in 1-1 @ 145 chf/session
- 2-3 gym program
- Lifestyle coaching (nutrition, sleep, stress management, schedule)
- 24 x 60 min in 1-1 @ 140 chf/session
- 3-4 gym program
- Lifestyle coaching (nutrition, sleep, stress management, schedule)
Of course, life is what it is and weekly meetings might not work for you - no problemo ! Let's find the schedule that works for you, e.g. one meeting every two weeks or custom formats. We always begin with a deposit payment and then you can decide to pay the remainder as a mensuality or defined trenches (e.g. 400 chf every x months). I also offer a premium coaching with a closer follow-up of your practice and life, some in person meetings, messaging and calls. Contact me for more information.
Through this coaching, I provide you a program and tips related to your own life circumstances (family, work, time), your own body (age, health, experience) and your own your goal
I follow your evolution from your emotional and physical perspective, helping you making sense of this process. I motivate you to go through and make the necessary life changes. You are not abandonned alone with a gym program on a leaflet.
I share my knowledge with you, explaining the why behind what I ask you to do do - rather than giving you orders to execute without reason. You will actually learn a lot, about yoursrelf and what this whole coaching is about: exercising and a healthy lifestyle. After the coaching program, especially the longer ones, you will be able to manage yourself your exercising and healthy lifestyle thanks to a new mindset.
After receiving your deposit, we'll schedule the "get to know eachother" meeting. During this, we'll get to set your fitness objetives in line with your life circumstances and habits that impact them. Action starts directly with some test exercises to learn how you feel executing certain movements. We'll schedule the second meeting shortly after, where the core work starts.
This is where we'll review together your gym program and weekly gym roadmap as well as life hygiena measures I think are necessary to reach your goals. I'll give you tips on how to execute the exercises in the program with examples. For coaching of 4 and 6 months, we'll go through several programs.
This is where we do the core work together, assessing how you feel with the program, the exercises and the changes you observe. I might bring modifications to the original plan and work together on making it better. We go step by step, week by week, together towards your goal.
We'll review the road travelled together, the highs and lows and the work still to be done. I'll provide you with plenty of tips on exercises and life hygiena for your future.
Besides knowing how to exercise, you'll know what habits to change in your lifestyle (diet, sleep, stress) to support your fitness journey. You'll live a new life.
You'll see mirror results even after 2 months with my coaching, wether they are fat loss or muscle building. You'll feel more energized and toned.
This program will change how you see and lead your life. It will push you to rethink you're priorities and live better next month and in the long turn.
I will come back to you in less than 24h
Realistically Fit